Since it's early in the season, do you have a Spring game plan? Let's face it, we all get busy and forget to take care of the "honey-doos." Now is a great time to outline what your lawn goals are for the year.

Weed Control

Whether you would like to do it yourself or hire out, timing is everything. Weed Control needs to be taken care of in a timely fashion to make sure you stay on top of things. Before you know it, the weeds will start growing like crazy making them harder to get rid of. We always say we'll get to it however we all know if we procrastinate chances are it goes to the waste-side. Attack early and you'll be able to rest easy.

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Are there any repairs you've been putting off waiting on the warmer weather? Go ahead and make your list of to-do repairs and let's get after it. Maybe you have a fence that needs some repair, a tree trimmed, or perhaps the windows need to be cleaned. If you plan in advance and get on a schedule, you'll be happier knowing you've got it all taken care of.

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Spring Clean UP

The leaves have fallen and have accumulated in the corners of the yard. Leaves can potentially suffocate the grass. This makes it hard for oxygen and sunlight to reach those areas for healthy growth. Clean up will also allow your preventative weed control remedies a better chance at penetrating problematic areas. The leaves can even be turned into compost instead of throwing them out. You can use them at a later date to help put nutrients back into your flower beds or garden.

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Flower Beds

Speaking of flower beds, now is a good time to clean the leaves and dead grass out as well. These tend to get a little out of control before you know it. You can pull out old annuals and shape your bushes. This will make it easier when the time comes to plant new color. When the warm weather hits, you'll be ready for the bigger projects you have in mind.

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